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We Help You Make Your Own Income From Your Existing Experience, Knowledge and Skills.

The 6 Steps To Freedom

Even if you feel you don't have what it takes... believe us... you do!
We step you through a proven process that has led to the success of thousands.


Define your customers

Know what people want to buy.
We help you identify your niche market, the product or service they want to buy and how to market what you are selling.
A successful business provides a specific solution to a specific problem.
An unsuccessful business has a general idea to a general problem which often ends with a product no-one will buy.


Go to the buyer

Explain the solution simply.
A research project recently discovered when you are able to explain a problem that someone is experiencing, easier than they are able to explain it, automatically makes you a knowledge leader in their eyes.
Equally, explaining the solution simply automatically aligns you to their cause.
These people will buy from you.


Price worth paying

Price is what people are willing to pay.
Once we discover the problem, we must find out what the market is willing & able to pay for the right solution.
If the pain is powerful enough, you would be amazed at what people will pay for the perfect solution. People will pay a premium for instant relief of pain if you provide a simple solution.


Going Digital

Going Digital unlocks growth... now!
Your online business requires at least;
1) "Point-of-Sale" system for customers to buy immediately from your website;
2) Online accounting to keep you connected to cash flow;
3) "Customer Relationship Management" (CRM) software to capture, nurture, and convert leads and retain them as customers; 
4) Automated marketing and reporting systems to remain in front of your customers during their buying journey.


Just a click away

Begin With Your Customer In Mind.
The top-performing online businesses sell using "Immersive Retail Design."**
1) Focus on quality - hi-res images, consistent brand display & style; a design-optimised colour palette;
2) Use omnichannel experiences - the same look and feel on your website, in social media & email whether on a desktop, tablet or mobile;
3) Use simple navigation to buy a product or service within 2-3 clicks;
4) Fast response to customer questions using bots, instant messaging & automated emails.


Exceed Expectations

An unrivalled experience.
By doing more than your customers expect, you automatically create tremendous value.
Giving your customer an unbelievable experience will create a customer for life and raving fans who can't stop telling their friends and colleagues about you.
Having the right tools for your business; digital capability, automated systems, consistent brand messages, immersive design and responding immediately to customers... is the winning formula.


It is easier with others.

If you’ve ever wanted to turn your experience, knowledge and skills into income, a digital business is the solution.

Our process provides you with the tools and guidance through coaching to accelerate you on the path to success.

By joining MyCoopShop, you connect with an existing community of digital business builders who work with and support each other to succeed.

Kinetic Solutions
Your Potential in Motion Pty Ltd


"To activate potential through leading training, coaching, mentoring and support."



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